Better Never Than Late, PUNKTUALS' debut album, was published on January the 1st by FRIENDO RECORDS and is available on vinyl, CD, and all major music streaming services. Legendary Seattle studio whiz JACK ENDINO mixed and mastered the album, which was recorded by Dave West and Chris Martin at BIRDHOUSE STUDIO SEATTLE.
The album is comprised of 11 songs for 46 minutes of music. Energetic start with the title track, something in between Green Day and Artic Monkey, to my ears, pacey and mild distortion. A very catchy tune, with a radio-friendly chorus and a great start. The following track F.U. starts with a guitar solo and angry vocals, with hints of Mike Patton and another beautiful open and anthemic chorus.
A groovy bass at the beginning of All the Horses Are Dead, which slows down the pace, very atmospheric and it's something I didn't expect, after the first two tracks. Again, some Faith No More vibes for Ha Ha, with creepy vocals and an inspired arrangement (I love the rhythm section!). This could be a soundtrack, for a Horror movie. OHM features very cool bass lines and the song is extremely enjoyable, probably one of my favourites on the album, reminding me of Alice in Chains.
Among other songs, I love the punk energy and the drums of Throw Something at Me, the riffs of When We Need Help, the craziness of Pharma, very unpredictable, and that reminded me of The Coattail Riders (Taylor Hawkins' solo project). Towards the end, we have Old Man Kills, quite long (more than 6 minutes), bluesy and heavy at first and with some unexpected changes (I love the one at 4.21!), the intense The Hassle, and the energy of Bitches are Killing Me, very 90s and grunge.
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