The New Old - Vampyre X

The New Old is a rock 'n roll band from Detroit, USA. 
Rock has lost its essence, and this is the main reason why the band was formed and why they are rapidly gaining recognition. Without resorting to derivative, soulless contemporary pop-rock, the band delves deep into the kind of rock 'n' roll that makes you move.

This is their new song, Vampyre X, the opener of their full-length, called Ain't Dead Yet, released at the end of 2024. The song has classic rock vibes (Stones!) and I love the guitar riff above everything. It's very easy listening thanks to catchy vocals, and it features a great solo section as well. No frills, It will make you tap your foot and I find it enjoyable from start to finish, with also the perfect production for the genre. 

A very cool one, give it a go by clicking on the YouTube video above and follow The New Old on social media as well.