Seabreather - Squalls

Seabreather is a new American band and their lead single "Squalls" is the first and only single that will be released ahead of the new Seabreather album, Off A Bow Echo (out the 24th of September via Forest Field Music).

The band says about the album: "It's about rainstorms. A rainstorm can be peaceful and gentle...or it can be thunderous and devastating. The music on this album is meant to capture those extremes and all the space in-between. Coincidentally, it also just happens to capture how the band has been feeling about the state of this country and the world, as well."

This song is quite long (7 minutes) and atmospherical with a very interesting beginning with violins and keyboards creating a wall of sound and the guitar playing a retro mini riff. The pace increase with time and everything becomes more and more intense. 

Give it a go pressing on the player below (a nice video clip as well) and don't forget to support and follow the artist if you like it. If you're into orchestral post-rock with monstrous riffs a lá Mogwai or Godspeed style -- then Seabreather may be a good fit for you.