Interview - JAKE BRACEY

Singer and guitarist Jake Bracey has been a longtime bar musician. When playing cover after cover to drunken crowds wasn’t feeding the creative flow, a valve opened and original music came forth. Let's have a chat with him about his music.

- Hi Jake and welcome to this interview. Tell us about your latest release Grag.
- the latest release, Drag, is a moment in time that I think a lot of people experience. One where you catch yourself looking into the distance. Not at any one specific thing, but focusing on moments from the past that have brought you to where you are in that moment.

- How would you describe your sound?
- My sound has been something of an ever-changing process. I’ve settled into something of a mix between boozey-alternative folk and indie alt-country.

- What do you write about?
- I write about things that I’ve experienced or hope to one day experience and the feeling behind them.

- What do you listen to when you are home?
- I’m always trying to find new music on a daily basis. I regularly find myself listening to artists I really relate to. People like Noah Gundersen and David Ramirez are two of my current favorites.

- Your favourite live performance so far?
- I’ve been performing frequently at small venues for over a decade on a weekly basis. My favorites are the ones where I really connect with those listening and can feel that they relate to what I’m singing about.

- Tell us a funny story that happened in studio or on stage
- many years ago, I played a very small bar in northern New Jersey. It was so small that they had me play in front of a dresser case. So every time a waiter had to grab someone’s slice of cherry pie, I had to break between songs and help hand it to them. I still laugh when I think about that one.

- Your favourite albums?
- my favorite albums include the following:
Glorietta (self-titled)
Rumours (Fleetwood Mac)
Appalachia (Colter Wall)
Tree of Forgiveness (John Prine)
Reruns (Joe Cirotti)
Stories Don’t End (Dawes)

- A musician you would like to meet for a beer?
- John Prine would’ve been my top choice for musicians to have a beer with, but I think that Taylor goldsmith of Dawes is a close second.

- What are your plans for the near future?
- I plan to continue writing and recording as much as I can, while still playing live as much as possible to grow the listeners I have.