Best of 2022 Wake Magnolia / GRANDO / Cannøn / The Frontiers / Bad Human Beings / Young Fatigue / Yony / Sam Brace / Hyde Out / Super Creeps
Hi guys! Here for another selection of new good quality music you may like.
Have a listen to these great new tracks below (selected by Given to rock, of course) and don't forget to follow and share the band/artist if you like what you hear.
Also, all the songs in this blog playlist are in the Spotify playlist called "Best of 2022", a mix of a famous and independent band. Make sure to follow it if you want to keep up with new quality music.
Cannøn - Democracy Burning
The Frontiers - D.M.
Bad Human Beings - Straws Killed The World
Young Fatigue - Top 10 Anime Betrayals
Yony - If It Happened 2 U
Sam Brace - Brave
Hyde Out - Over This
Super Creeps - Stuck (in the 60's)