Stuart Pearson - Mojave

Stuart Pearson is originally from Long Island and he has been writing songs since he was seven, when battling childhood epilepsy. He grew up with influences by Johnny Cash, Bobby Gentry, Charlie Rich. and then he discovered NY Dolls, Television, the Ramones and Velvet Underground.

Stuart has released 5 albums before starting the Dark Americana series in 2020.  "Mojave" is the second one: a more up-to-date version of its predecessor ("Dark Americana: Stories and Songs") set in the dusty American west and contains hints of Tom Waits, Nick Cave, and Leonard Cohen, as well as ghosts from the 1800s. 

"Mojave" depicts the decaying abandoned structures that line the two-lane highway that runs through Death Valley. This is a collection of murder ballads, songs about bad decisions, bad people, and bad outcomes.

Give Mojave a try by clicking on the Spotify player below and don't forget to follow Stuart Pearson on social media.