Interview - It will last

"It Will Last" project comes to life at the end of 2018 on the initiative of Simone Carnaghi, multi-instrumentalist (bass/guitar/drums), composer, as well as teacher of bass, drums, guitar and ensemble music with many years of experience.

The name of the project "It Will Last" is inspired by a song contained in a previous cd-album of unreleased songs entitled "Slender Hopes" (published in 2010) in which Simone Carnaghi composed all the songs (music and lyrics) and played all the instruments (bass, drums, guitars).

- Hi and welcome to this interview. Tell us about your latest release Nightmares in daylight.
Hi, Thanks! Really happy for this space dedicated to my heavy metal project It Will Last. Nightmares in daylight was released end of September 2021, has been composed/arranged, played (all instruments) and recorded/produced all by myself in my private music studio “Rock & Music studio” in Rescaldina (Mi) Italy. Nightmares In Daylight songwriting starts more or less three years ago.
In that period I was very motivated to create new music. I started having fun in rearranging two tracks previously released in my other cd-album entitled “Slender Hopes” (released in 2010). These two songs (“It will last” and "Flying to the rainbow”) so newly rearranged conquered me and were an inspiration for the songwriting (both music and lyrics)of all the other songs included in “Nightmares in Daylight”.
Moreover, one of these two old songs rearranged (“It Will Last”) gives also the name to the project itself. After a long songwriting effort, I decided to play and record all instruments (bass, guitars, drums) as already done for the previous Slender Hopes project. I have been dedicating much fun, patience and attention in producing Nightmares in Daylight album in last 2 years so now, next step is to produce also other bands and projects in my studio.

- How would you describe your sound?
Well, It Will Last is a fusion of the 80s sound, epic choirs, progressive rhythm changes, but first of all “unpredictability”, you don’t know what happens during the songs. Listening to my songs you can feel also my neverending love for the 80s Iron Maiden’s masterpieces. There is also another peculiarity, Daniel Reda, the lead singer for It Will Last project, a great friend of mine since 1997, comes from Epic metal scene, not from heavy metal/progressive. We have played together in his previous band called Pandaemonium in two different periods. The first one with me on guitar on a demo and also in several live gigs, then I have played all drums for their second studio album “Return to reality”. Daniel is a great singer and a very good person. I’ve decided to call him to give voice to this project recording all the vocal lines I have composed for It Will Last “Nightmares in Daylight”. Daniel is not exactly a heavy-metal-progressive singer, he can be defined more an epic-power metal singer. This is a peculiarity that I absolutely love to hear in these songs because his voice gives a touch of personality and originality to the tracks, creating something different from what a listener can expect.

- What do you write about?
Nightmares in daylight is a concept-album. The concept of this album is very important because it tells about many aspects that are consuming the world we live in. Mankind is weak and “fall blind in sins”. Power, envy, money, pride, bad use of technology, waste of time and lost respect for the environment are just some of the topics sung by It Will Last. Our world slowly runs to devastation (no respect for nature and people, bad communication, violence, and many other aspects), but I think every “thinking
creature” of this planet could improve a little bit and try to do his best and be grateful for life every day.

- What do you listen to when you are home?
Unfortunately, I generally listen to music only while driving, Just a few and rare times I can listen to music relaxed sitting in front of my stereo. Anyway, my love is dedicated to all music coming from the 80s, in particular hard rock and Heavy metal (N.W.O.B.H.M.). Since I was 14 years old my favourite band has been Steve Harris’ Iron Maiden. Their first seven studio albums are for me real masterpieces.
Here is a small list of other bands I often listen to: Judas Priest, Pride of Lions, Survivor, Dokken, Stryper, Deep Purple, Foreigner, Vixen, Rush, Scorpions, Rainbow and many others.

- Your favourite live performance so far?
My favourite live gig experiences so far, are the ones happened in Norway because of the warm audience and the respect that nordics people have for musicians.

- Tell us a funny story that happened in studio or on stage
When I was 18 years old, during a live gig as a guitarist I risk to ruinously fall down from the stage because I stumbled in a guitar-pedal.

- Your favourite albums?
Hard question :) ….too many albums:)
Here just few of them: Iron Maiden (their first seven studio-album), Judas Priest “Defenders of the faith”, Pride of lions “Pride of lions”, Stryper “To hell with the devil”, Vixen “Rev it up” Dokken “Back for the attack”, Rainbow “Difficult to cure”.

- A musician you would like to meet for a beer?
Too many!!!! but my dream remains to have a friendly chat with Steve Harris and Nicko McBrain (may I ask for two at the cost of one? :-) )

- What would you ask for backstage, if you were the most important band on earth?
Food is another passion I have. So I would ask for some peculiar local specialty :-). Then generally speaking I am too humble to ask for something so strange. :-)

- What are your plans for the near future?
I really hope to do many other interesting things :) For example, we have just issued our first official single video clip…available to be seen on our “It Will Last” youtube.  Me and Daniel's purpose is to create a band and start live gigs to be held firstly in Italy and soon after possibly abroad. Now we are looking to complete the band line-up to go on stage as soon as possible, hopefully. I’d also like to compose new stuff for another It Will Last studio album in the future (with or without a band).
Thank you so much! Stay heavy \m/