Showtigers - Goodness Gracious / No Hero

Showtigers are the "D-I-Y or die" PNW rock band that you have to see in person to believe; they are known for putting on exhilarating, high-energy live shows. The same tangible enthusiasm that can be felt live is also evident in their recorded music, which is always totally tracked and mixed by the band. This incredible trio is definitely not a "hidden gem"!

This is their new single, called Goodness Gracious. The song starts with a nice and clean guitar/bass riff, exploding in a distorted riff. The song is very energetic, the vocals are very catchy and the drums are frantic. I love the sound and the energy on this one. Also, the performance of the guys is spot-on, check out the solo section/instrumental break around minute 3, probably my favourite section of the song. Give it a go by clicking on the Spotify player below! 

This is an old song by the band, called No Hero, more classic stoner rock and Queens of the stone age oriented. Great riffs, super catchy mood, great vocals and another great solo section. Slightly different from the song above but still a super high quality and spot-on performance by Showtigers

Also, and don't forget to follow the band on social media.
