Song of the day: The Richie Scholl Band - Monkey Show

One of the best rock and roll bands playing in Nashville, Tennessee right now is thought to be the Richie Scholl Band. With a sizable fan base in Australia, Europe, and Scholl's home country of the United States, the band has received praise from all over the world. Richie Scholl (lead vocals and guitar), Brian Powell (bass guitar), and Derek Smith (Drums) make up the Nashville-based band. 

This is their new single, called "Monkey Show", a classic hard rock tune with a hint of AC/DC (the main guitar riff), punchy and catchy vocals (very good chorus), and a very solid rhythm section. The song sounds fantastic and it's very enjoyable from start to finish, with an overall great performance by the trio. Make sure to give it a go by clicking on the Spotify player below and don't forget to follow Richie Scholl Band on social media as well.
