MUCK. are set to
release their debut single
"NORTH OF HELL" on August 11th through Monomyth Records. This
release provides a tangled reflection of current events, encompassing
various aspects of politics, news, and media. By fusing together anger
and confusion, the song communicates the concept that political
uncertainty and a lack of transparency in leadership and media
contribute to widespread cognitive dissonance. It connects thematically
to the broader topics explored in the EP "where youth and laughter go" (Available 3rd
November) which delves into the transition from
adolescence to adulthood, highlighting the struggles of navigating life
without a sense of control.
"NORTH OF HELL" attempts to grapple with this
transition by examining the influence of television idols and their
flawed and artificial personas.
The song maintains a consistent heavy yet playful bass line throughout,
accompanied by meandering distorted guitars that add a touch of whimsy,
only intensifying when necessary during the choral segments.
Structurally, the track follows a two-verse pattern, with each verse
building up to a peak before settling down momentarily, mirroring the
notion that despite the anger, life continues with little impact,
echoing the overarching theme of lack of control.