Spotify Growth & Beyond Course

After working with many musicians and making them thrive on Spotify, Romeo Ciarla, Founder at Loop Solitaire, noticed that there are many external factors that influence the results on the platform. Monetarily speaking there are also a lot of musicians who don't know how to collect all their music royalties.

"That's why we thought to create an all-encompassing course that could help all musicians gain more visibility on Spotify, while also developing their social presence." The course also focuses on Project Management strategies, that could substantially transform your result for your next release. 

Some of the main topics include,

-The Spotify Algorithm and How to Trigger it:
-How to create a Spotify Playlist with thousands of followers
-How to do DIY PR, that doesn't make you lose entire days
-Instagram and Facebook Ads
-Video Content strategies
-Budget Planning
and many more...

The course is called Spotify Growth & Beyond, made for all the independent artists that want to effectively manage their next releases on their own, saving a lot of time and money

If you don't want to rely on agencies, PRs and wait for a record deal to make you famous, that's the course for you.