Song of the day: The Dirty Nil - The Light, The Void and Everything

Big Bear was much more than just the convenience store parking lot that the men who make up the Toronto rock group The Dirty Nil watched from their second-floor bathroom window. It was the asphalt stage where everything about life seemed to be staged as if it were a never-ending play. With a rotating cast of members carrying musical instruments, drinks, and overdriven amplifiers, the house served as a shared home, a creative commons, and a godforsaken pirate ship all at once. In spite of the fact that no kitschy wall sign from a suburban mom's Etsy business advised them to, they did live, laugh, and love there.

This is their new single, called "The Light, The Void and Everything". I love the melancholy mood of the verses, exploding in a very explosive and contagious chorus. Top-notch performance by the band (vocals and drumming above all) and quality production/arrangement too. Quality video and song, it will probably get stuck in your head for a while. Give it a go by clicking on the YouTube player above and don't forget to follow The Dirty Nil on social media as well. 
