Exceptional Failures is a garage rock duo from Portland, Oregon, known for its roaring percussion, ripping guitar riffs, and melancholy vocals that wrap around you like a faulty warm blanket. Guitar, Vox and Harmonica are by Corey Distler and Dambo is on Drums. These artists have perfected their sound, combining lovely melodies with constantly shifting strong instrumentals.
Their new single "Cherry Mist" is a hot rock 'n' soul track about, well, nothing in particular. It's merely a vehicle for releasing emotional energy that may be used in anyway you choose. Driving drums, impassioned vocals, and careening guitar release the energy that has been stored up from all of life's longings for excitement, pleasure, and contentment. The words alter each time the song is played, demonstrating its pleasant ambiguity.
Give it a go by clicking on the Spotify player below and remember to follow Exceptional Failures on social media.