Strange Demons - Another Enemy

Strange Demons is Jon Moore's solo work as a vocalist and guitarist. He has now decided to forge his own path and create the music he would want to hear. Strange Demons crafts alternative rock with an old-school 90s sound, drawing inspiration from the bands who got him into music, such as Rage Against the Machine, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, and Muse, as well as more current contemporaries like Jamie Lenman and Dinosaur Pileup. 

This is his new single, called Another Enemy. The vocals start straight away supporting a catchy guitar riff. My favourite part of the song is definitely the chorus, very 90s and grungy (the guitars sound fantastic). I find the song amazingly performed (great rhythm section as well) and produced, and enjoyable from start to finish. 

Give it a go by clicking on the Spotify player below and remember to follow Strange Demons on social media.