Burton Badman released their debut album, The Opposite Way Around, in 2022.
Singles from this album have hundreds of thousands of listens online. The band's numerous gigs since the release of the debut album have helped to refine their unique sound, drawing on post-rock prog, and dark influences.
Today, we’re going to discuss their new single titled "No Way Out," which will be included in their forthcoming album set for release in 2025. I really enjoy the opening riff and the well-articulated rhythm section. The vocals are clean and catchy, which adds to the overall appeal. What I love most about the song is its dynamic quality; it frequently changes in intensity and features a classy arrangement. Additionally, there is an inspiring solo section that I find very enjoyable from start to finish.
Be sure to give it a listen by clicking on the Spotify player below, and don’t forget to follow Burton Badman on social media!
Burton Badman are:
Ran Shedlinsky (guitar, vocals),
Dan Yachin (keyboards, guitar),
Oren Avisar (drums),
Nir Straze (guitar),
Yaron Eshdat (bass).